Modifications to the body are deliberate alterations which usually occur for non-medical justifications. This is something that has been around for centuries for many different reasons. This could include spiritual, artistic, fashion, religious or even to boost their self esteem. To some, undergoing a surgical procedure is the most obvious and extreme way to modify a human being. However, even something as small as getting a hair cut which is seen socially acceptable can be considered a change that is inappropriate to others. It is said to those of a religious background that we are attempting to ‘play God’ as we are all created in God’s Image. Others believe body modification is unnatural and introduces levels of offence.
Due to the advancing developments in technology and medicine, certain procedures taking place today would have been near on impossible to achieve thousands of years ago when body modifications were only recognised within religion and tribal cultures. Despite some people wishing to imitate a popular concept of ‘tribal’ modifications, there are some ideas that seem outrageously difficult to achieve even in today’s society. Throughout my research I hope to discover the real reasons and explanations to those who have, wanted and feel they need modifying.